Queer Studies Undergraduate Certificate Requirements
Our undergraduate certificate encourages students to explore and challenge the histories of sexuality and gender normativity across multiple political and cultural contexts as it relates to their specific interests. The certificate program is distinct in that it examines sexuality with a focus on Hawaiʻi, Asia and the Pacific from a transnational, interdisciplinary, and intersectional perspective.
Course Delivery Options
Students may choose to complete the certificate by taking in-person courses or a mix of in-person and online courses. Students are also able to complete the certificate fully online.
The University of Hawaii at Mānoa is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the fully online Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 5-Course Certificate is approved by WASC.
Certificate Requirements
The certificate requires the completion of at least 5 courses (15 credit hours) with a "C" (not a "C-") which meets the following criteria:
- WGSS 141: Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies (3)
- WGSS 441: Queer Theory (3)
- 9 credits of approved electives (3 credits must be 300 level or higher)
- At least 3 credit hours with a HAP focus
- Students may apply no more than a combined total of 3 credits toward the certificate for:
- WGSS 499: Directed Reading and Research, and,
- WGSS 496: Teaching Women’s Studies
9 credits of queer electives from the following (list may vary by semester):
- DNCE 459: Topics in Dance – Queer Dance
- ES 375: Higher Ed Diversity Issues
- PSY 352: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- REL 361: Love, Sex, and Religion
- WGSS 175: History of Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Global Perspective to 1500 CE
- WGSS 176: History of Gender, Sex, and Sexuality in Global Perspective, 1500 CE to Present
- WGSS 200: Culture, Gender, & Appearance (cross-listed as FDM 200)
- WGSS 202: Psychology of Gender (cross-listed as PSY 202)
- WGSS 257: Sexual Identity in Literature
- WGSS 315: Sex and Gender (cross-listed as ANTH 315)
- WGSS 350: Sex Differences in the Life Cycle (cross-listed as BIOL 350)
- WGSS 357 Queer Dance Exploratory (cross-listed as DNCE 357)
- WGSS 362: Sociology of Gender (cross-listed as SOC 362)
- WGSS 371: Oceanic Gender, Sexual, and Kinship Identities (cross-listed as ES 391)
- WGSS 381: Gender, Sexuality, and Literature (cross-listed as ENG 382)
- WGSS 382: Island Feminism: Art, Literature, and Culture
- WGSS 392: Sexualities
- WGSS 424: Gender, Sex, Digital Media
- WGSS 426: Anthropology of Sexuality (cross-listed as ANTH 426)
- WGSS 436: Gender, Justice, and Law (cross-listed as AMST 436 and POLS 368)
- WGSS 439: Feminist Theory (cross-listed as POLS 339)
- WGSS 454: Gender, Sexuality, and Global Popular Culture
- WGSS 482: Indigenous Feminisms
- WGSS 483: Studies in Literature and Sexuality and Gender (cross-listed as ENG 482)
- WGSS 493: Trans* Studies (AMST 437)
- WGSS 496: Teaching Women’s Studies
- WGSS 499: Directed Reading and Research
Admissions and Advising
Interested students should contact the undergraduate advisor, Lisa M. Vallin (vallin@hawaii.edu), for help in choosing classes, defining an area of interest, creating and developing proposals, exploring the fully online option, and finding the faculty advisor most suited to their areas of interest.